Appendix 1a. Total number of records per species reported during the atlas period (2008-2012).

Species # Records # Squares # Rare forms # Rare records COSEWIC BCRISC
Canada Goose 2844 1299 5 5
Mute Swan 44 21 4 4
Trumpeter Swan 287 206 21 25
Wood Duck 524 266 13 29
Gadwall 392 204 15 15
American Wigeon 733 380 2 2
American Black Duck † 1 1 1 1
Mallard 2844 1304 0 0
Blue-winged Teal 590 380 5 5
Cinnamon Teal 371 223 14 14
Northern Shoveler 384 229 21 22
Northern Pintail 126 100 24 29
Green-winged Teal 776 503 1 1
Canvasback 87 51 1 1
Redhead 198 107 3 3
Ring-necked Duck 1010 611 16 16
Greater Scaup † 7 6 5 5
Lesser Scaup 605 347 1 4
Harlequin Duck 245 186 24 31
Surf Scoter 22 15 5 6 Blue
White-winged Scoter 44 36 15 16
Long-tailed Duck † 3 3 3 5 Blue
Bufflehead 1153 674 9 9
Common Goldeneye 549 384 49 52
Barrow’s Goldeneye 1170 703 14 21
Hooded Merganser 582 417 4 4
Common Merganser 1323 850 1 1
Red-breasted Merganser 29 27 7 7
Ruddy Duck 418 202 5 7
Chukar 77 37 3 3
Gray Partridge 21 13 2 2
Ring-necked Pheasant 240 108 7 8
Silver Pheasant † 2 2 2 2
Common Peafowl † 10 3 7 14
Ruffed Grouse 2270 1408 2 2
Spruce Grouse 509 426 1 1
Willow Ptarmigan 101 63 12 14
Rock Ptarmigan 44 40 7 10
White-tailed Ptarmigan 145 123 2 2
Dusky Grouse 387 274 10 12
Sooty Grouse † 802 443 422 898 Blue
Sharp-tailed Grouse 109 80 5 5
Wild Turkey 79 64 3 3
California Quail 521 145 8 10
Northern Bobwhite 2 1 1 1
Red-throated Loon 69 59 15 17
Pacific Loon 18 16 4 4
Common Loon 1837 1017 6 6
Pied-billed Grebe 498 282 2 3
Horned Grebe 159 120 2 2 SPEC
Red-necked Grebe 492 284 5 7
Eared Grebe § 122 67 25 29
Western Grebe † § 12 4 11 21 SPEC Red
Clark’s Grebe † § 7 3 6 10 Red
Northern Fulmar † § 1 1 0 0 Red
Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel § 4 3 1 1
Leach’s Storm-Petrel § 6 6 1 1
American White Pelican † § 3 3 3 5 Red
Brandt’s Cormorant † § 3 3 3 3 Red
Double-crested Cormorant § 69 40 64 70 Blue
Pelagic Cormorant § 151 89 36 41
American Bittern † 99 76 77 157 Blue
Least Bittern † 1 1 1 2 THR
Great Blue Heron § 937 423 375 554 fanini ssp: SPEC
Green Heron † 51 31 42 45 Blue
Black-crowned Night-Heron † § 2 2 2 2 Red
Turkey Vulture 1036 599 29 50
Osprey 1832 920 1 1
Bald Eagle 3386 1534 5 5
Northern Harrier 653 435 13 13
Sharp-shinned Hawk 492 416 11 13
Cooper’s Hawk 441 327 15 35
Northern Goshawk 359 315 29 33 laingi ssp: THR
Broad-winged Hawk † 74 56 38 66 Blue
Swainson’s Hawk † 128 69 92 111 Red
Red-tailed Hawk 2926 1557 2 2
Ferruginous Hawk † 1 1 1 1 THR
Golden Eagle 280 225 14 14
American Kestrel 1688 853 6 6
Merlin 868 598 2 2
Gyrfalcon † 20 15 12 12 Blue
Peregrine Falcon † 264 182 180 253 SPEC
Prairie Falcon † 21 18 18 18 Red
Yellow Rail † 42 13 29 84 SPEC Red
Virginia Rail 250 179 16 21
Sora 905 528 8 9
American Coot 680 307 6 6
Sandhill Crane 495 311 26 45
American Golden-Plover † 5 4 3 5 Blue
Semipalmated Plover 72 46 13 17
Killdeer 1653 809 0 0
Black Oystercatcher 349 182 3 3
Black-necked Stilt † 12 5 11 12
American Avocet † 21 10 16 27 Blue
Spotted Sandpiper 3098 1746 0 0
Solitary Sandpiper 718 522 31 33
Wandering Tattler † 14 9 11 16 Blue
Greater Yellowlegs 491 349 43 59
Lesser Yellowlegs 254 157 12 36
Upland Sandpiper † 34 22 22 36 Red
Long-billed Curlew † 207 114 112 155 SPEC Blue
Least Sandpiper 35 27 9 10
Baird’s Sandpiper † 1 1 1 1
Short-billed Dowitcher † 2 1 1 1 Blue
Wilson’s Snipe 2200 1191 3 3
Wilson’s Phalarope 118 83 8 9
Red-necked Phalarope † 12 9 9 10 Blue
Black-legged Kittiwake † § 3 1 3 3
Bonaparte’s Gull § 265 183 74 82
Mew Gull § 278 180 40 45
Ring-billed Gull § 74 48 26 33
California Gull † § 4 4 3 4 Blue
Herring Gull § 157 109 39 52
Glaucous-winged Gull § 482 211 61 76
Glaucous-winged X Western Gull Hybrid † 5 5 4 4
Caspian Tern † § 16 11 13 14 Blue
Black Tern § 218 123 45 112
Common Tern † § 2 2 2 2
Arctic Tern § 116 80 18 19
Forster’s Tern † § 2 1 1 1 DD Red
Parasitic Jaeger † 8 5 3 3
Common Murre † § 3 3 2 2 Red
Pigeon Guillemot § 288 165 47 54
Marbled Murrelet † 300 235 212 377 THR Blue
Ancient Murrelet † § 6 5 3 3 SPEC Blue
Cassin’s Auklet † § 3 3 0 0 Blue
Rhinoceros Auklet § 56 42 8 10
Horned Puffin † § 3 3 1 1 Red
Tufted Puffin † § 12 7 11 11 Blue
Rock Pigeon 674 276 3 5
Band-tailed Pigeon † 758 354 355 547 SPEC Blue
Eurasian Collared-Dove † 438 274 306 399
Mourning Dove 731 330 16 18
Barn Owl † 55 41 18 22 THR Blue
Flammulated Owl † 73 54 54 91 SPEC Blue
Western Screech-Owl 308 164 98 123 THR Blue/Red
Great Horned Owl 705 454 18 18
Northern Hawk Owl 51 49 6 8
Northern Pygmy-Owl 321 260 17 17
Burrowing Owl † § 11 10 10 46 END Red
Spotted Owl † 1 1 1 1 END Red
Barred Owl 681 425 0 0
Great Gray Owl 138 111 11 12
Long-eared Owl 52 44 8 8
Short-eared Owl † 62 50 31 55 SPEC Blue
Boreal Owl 83 72 1 1
Northern Saw-whet Owl 537 340 42 59 brooksi ssp: THR
Common Nighthawk 979 594 51 79 THR
Common Poorwill 86 51 4 4 DD
Black Swift 305 245 33 40
Vaux’s Swift 735 494 52 55
White-throated Swift § 149 71 39 49
Ruby-throated Hummingbird † 19 15 15 15 Blue
Black-chinned Hummingbird 189 130 20 29
Anna’s Hummingbird 194 78 16 30
Calliope Hummingbird 774 470 3 4
Broad-tailed Hummingbird † 1 1 1 3
Rufous Hummingbird 3710 1748 18 20
#N/A 1 1 0 0
Belted Kingfisher 1764 1089 1 1
Lewis’s Woodpecker † 363 142 282 509 THR Red
Williamson’s Sapsucker † 143 65 89 277 END Blue
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 917 419 42 62
Red-naped Sapsucker 1804 848 13 13
Red-breasted Sapsucker 1586 820 62 66
Unknown Sapsucker 90 79 51 76
Sapsucker hybrid 10 10 8 8
Downy Woodpecker 1360 773 1 1
Hairy Woodpecker 2859 1566 1 1
White-headed Woodpecker † 4 2 2 2 END Red
American Three-toed Woodpecker 1161 839 8 10
Black-backed Woodpecker 241 209 12 13
Northern Flicker 5942 2429 3 3
Pileated Woodpecker 2212 1238 7 7
Olive-sided Flycatcher † 2671 1557 1712 3201 THR Blue
Western Wood-Pewee 3404 1598 8 8
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 327 246 31 50
Alder Flycatcher 1951 1073 51 60
Willow Flycatcher 2101 900 13 14
Least Flycatcher 1860 969 30 34
Hammond’s Flycatcher 3834 1909 37 38
Gray Flycatcher † 27 11 22 40 Blue
Dusky Flycatcher 2537 1235 39 48
Western Flycatcher (Cordilleran or Pacific-slope) 51 16 51 137
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 2336 1098 20 44
Eastern Phoebe 187 107 2 2
Say’s Phoebe 334 183 10 11
Western Kingbird 640 280 9 9
Eastern Kingbird 1032 481 11 15
Northern Shrike 22 18 10 10
Cassin’s Vireo 2626 1293 40 51
Blue-headed Vireo 288 180 2 2
Hutton’s Vireo 321 190 22 31
Warbling Vireo 7135 2789 4 5
Philadelphia Vireo 126 102 7 7
Red-eyed Vireo 1949 970 21 35
Gray Jay 2686 1637 4 4
Steller’s Jay 2245 1142 4 4
Blue Jay 147 79 1 1
Western Scrub-Jay † 1 1 1 1
Clark’s Nutcracker 835 462 3 3
Black-billed Magpie 1281 487 5 5
American Crow 3073 1118 36 37
Northwestern Crow 1530 484 14 14
American or Northwestern Crow 25 18 3 3
Common Raven 6270 2591 9 9
Sky Lark † 17 4 12 13
Horned Lark 198 131 4 4 strigata ssp: END
Purple Martin 187 58 10 11 Blue
Tree Swallow 3616 1615 2 3
Violet-green Swallow 2697 1104 1 1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1556 859 10 10
Bank Swallow § 471 306 91 158 THR
Cliff Swallow § 1080 629 309 509
Barn Swallow § 2735 1343 338 471 THR Blue
Black-capped Chickadee 3616 1553 7 7
Mountain Chickadee 2247 1015 38 43
Chestnut-backed Chickadee 2232 912 46 63
Boreal Chickadee 804 587 8 8
Bushtit 322 117 2 2
Red-breasted Nuthatch 5577 2334 23 23
White-breasted Nuthatch 281 173 12 12
Pygmy Nuthatch 185 80 0 0
Brown Creeper 1312 693 51 64
Rock Wren 143 79 7 11
Canyon Wren 56 24 3 3 Blue
Bewick’s Wren 439 150 5 5
House Wren 936 388 53 67
Winter/Pacific Wren 165 109 58 96
Winter Wren 25 25 0 0
Pacific Wren 3591 1702 22 31
Marsh Wren 758 353 9 20
American Dipper 532 400 8 10
Golden-crowned Kinglet 4063 2086 0 0
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4555 2131 38 56
Western Bluebird 241 99 5 5
Mountain Bluebird 1297 646 5 6
Townsend’s Solitaire 1250 811 14 14
Veery 768 373 47 55
Gray-cheeked Thrush 124 78 26 55
Swainson’s Thrush 7761 3043 1 1
Hermit Thrush 3814 2058 4 5
American Robin 10199 3330 1 1
Varied Thrush 4080 2081 1 1
Gray Catbird 843 362 42 63
Northern Mockingbird 3 3 1 1
Sage Thrasher † 17 5 13 21 END Red
Brown Thrasher † 2 2 2 2
European Starling 2499 898 1 1
American Pipit 293 205 6 6
Bohemian Waxwing 198 170 24 26
Cedar Waxwing 3872 1777 29 31
Tennessee Warbler 1712 937 93 152
Orange-crowned Warbler 5317 2427 0 0
Nashville Warbler 1039 509 29 33
Yellow Warbler 4891 2084 0 0
Chestnut-sided Warbler † 3 3 3 4
Magnolia Warbler 1303 661 43 55
Cape May Warbler † 106 86 93 126 Red
Yellow-rumped Warbler 7749 2950 16 20
Black-throated Gray Warbler 820 363 6 7
Black-throated Green Warbler 337 129 181 915 Blue
Townsend’s Warbler 3810 1879 32 47
Hermit Warbler † 1 1 1 1
Palm Warbler 77 58 0 0
Bay-breasted Warbler † 47 30 37 51 Red
Blackpoll Warbler 586 441 22 32
Black-and-white Warbler 334 187 2 2
American Redstart 2902 1408 84 112
Ovenbird 652 290 10 13
Northern Waterthrush 2906 1460 39 58
Connecticut Warbler † 162 87 122 226 Blue
Mourning Warbler 279 157 0 0
MacGillivray’s Warbler 4084 1958 15 23
Common Yellowthroat 3445 1603 6 6
Wilson’s Warbler 3781 2044 46 100
Canada Warbler † 223 96 140 407 THR Blue
Yellow-breasted Chat † 56 16 45 1159 END Red
Spotted Towhee 2531 739 14 14
American Tree Sparrow 103 63 12 32
Chipping Sparrow 6383 2558 11 13
Clay-colored Sparrow 1001 528 45 66
Brewer’s Sparrow † 95 48 78 402
Vesper Sparrow 1331 520 13 13 affinis ssp: END
Lark Sparrow † 141 43 115 224 Red
Black-throated Sparrow † 1 1 1 1
Savannah Sparrow 2430 1182 4 4
Grasshopper Sparrow † 19 10 17 27 Red
Le Conte’s Sparrow † 195 98 118 251 Blue
Nelson’s Sparrow † 55 22 42 72 Red
Fox Sparrow 1450 888 5 7
Song Sparrow 5628 2153 8 8
Lincoln’s Sparrow 3203 1690 21 24
Swamp Sparrow 269 166 26 33
White-throated Sparrow 1898 820 14 19
White-crowned Sparrow 2679 1120 14 19
Golden-crowned Sparrow 307 193 16 17
Dark-eyed Junco 7545 3019 0 0
Smith’s Longspur † 3 3 3 13 Blue
Snow Bunting 5 5 5 5
Western Tanager 4902 2017 5 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 519 258 20 33
Black-headed Grosbeak 1472 598 27 30
Lazuli Bunting 1140 466 42 51
Indigo Bunting † 6 5 4 4
Bobolink † 80 42 38 42 THR Blue
Red-winged Blackbird 3243 1248 1 1
Western Meadowlark 1125 372 7 8
Yellow-headed Blackbird § 515 223 109 150
Rusty Blackbird † 317 229 157 214 SPEC Blue
Brewer’s Blackbird 2025 785 4 7
Common Grackle 120 66 14 16
Brown-headed Cowbird 2938 1217 7 9
Bullock’s Oriole 778 337 21 24
Baltimore Oriole 93 45 0 0
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch 156 127 20 21
Pine Grosbeak 623 476 21 25
Purple Finch 1442 718 54 63
Cassin’s Finch 537 290 11 14
House Finch 1299 425 26 35
Red Crossbill 2356 1363 4 13
White-winged Crossbill 766 558 13 14
Common Redpoll 81 50 5 18
Pine Siskin 6129 2652 25 34
American Goldfinch 1358 464 12 15
Evening Grosbeak 1481 821 37 47
House Sparrow 999 356 0 0
TOTAL 344,839 10,721 18,889
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British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 4841 Delta St. #206 Delta, BC V4K 2T9 Canada
Phone: 1- 877-349-BIRD (2473) E-mail: Banner photo: Glenn Bartley