Appendix 1b. Total number of species at risk records per species reported during the atlas period (2008-2012).

Species # Records # Squares # Rare forms # Rare records COSEWIC BCRISC
Surf Scoter 22 15 5 6 Blue
Long-tailed Duck † 3 3 3 5 Blue
Sooty Grouse † 802 443 422 898 Blue
Horned Grebe 159 120 2 2 SPEC
Western Grebe † § 12 4 11 21 SPEC Red
Clark’s Grebe † § 7 3 6 10 Red
Northern Fulmar † § 1 1 0 0 Red
American White Pelican † § 3 3 3 5 Red
Brandt’s Cormorant † § 3 3 3 3 Red
Double-crested Cormorant § 69 40 64 70 Blue
American Bittern † 99 76 77 157 Blue
Least Bittern † 1 1 1 2 THR
Great Blue Heron § 937 423 375 554 fanini ssp: SPEC
Green Heron † 51 31 42 45 Blue
Black-crowned Night-Heron † § 2 2 2 2 Red
Northern Goshawk 359 315 29 33 laingi ssp: THR
Broad-winged Hawk † 74 56 38 66 Blue
Swainson’s Hawk † 128 69 92 111 Red
Ferruginous Hawk † 1 1 1 1 THR
Gyrfalcon † 20 15 12 12 Blue
Peregrine Falcon † 264 182 180 253 SPEC
Prairie Falcon † 21 18 18 18 Red
Yellow Rail † 42 13 29 84 SPEC Red
American Golden-Plover † 5 4 3 5 Blue
American Avocet † 21 10 16 27 Blue
Wandering Tattler † 14 9 11 16 Blue
Upland Sandpiper † 34 22 22 36 Red
Long-billed Curlew † 207 114 112 155 SPEC Blue
Short-billed Dowitcher † 2 1 1 1 Blue
Red-necked Phalarope † 12 9 9 10 Blue
California Gull † § 4 4 3 4 Blue
Caspian Tern † § 16 11 13 14 Blue
Forster’s Tern † § 2 1 1 1 DD Red
Common Murre † § 3 3 2 2 Red
Marbled Murrelet † 300 235 212 377 THR Blue
Ancient Murrelet † § 6 5 3 3 SPEC Blue
Cassin’s Auklet † § 3 3 0 0 Blue
Horned Puffin † § 3 3 1 1 Red
Tufted Puffin † § 12 7 11 11 Blue
Band-tailed Pigeon † 758 354 355 547 SPEC Blue
Barn Owl † 55 41 18 22 THR Blue
Flammulated Owl † 73 54 54 91 SPEC Blue
Western Screech-Owl 308 164 98 123 THR Blue/Red
Burrowing Owl † § 11 10 10 46 END Red
Spotted Owl † 1 1 1 1 END Red
Short-eared Owl † 62 50 31 55 SPEC Blue
Northern Saw-whet Owl 537 340 42 59 brooksi ssp: THR
Common Nighthawk 979 594 51 79 THR
Common Poorwill 86 51 4 4 DD
Ruby-throated Hummingbird † 19 15 15 15 Blue
Lewis’s Woodpecker † 363 142 282 509 THR Red
Williamson’s Sapsucker † 143 65 89 277 END Blue
White-headed Woodpecker † 4 2 2 2 END Red
Olive-sided Flycatcher † 2671 1557 1712 3201 THR Blue
Gray Flycatcher † 27 11 22 40 Blue
Horned Lark 198 131 4 4 strigata ssp: END
Purple Martin 187 58 10 11 Blue
Bank Swallow § 471 306 91 158 THR
Barn Swallow § 2735 1343 338 471 THR Blue
Canyon Wren 56 24 3 3 Blue
Sage Thrasher † 17 5 13 21 END Red
Cape May Warbler † 106 86 93 126 Red
Black-throated Green Warbler 337 129 181 915 Blue
Bay-breasted Warbler † 47 30 37 51 Red
Connecticut Warbler † 162 87 122 226 Blue
Canada Warbler † 223 96 140 407 THR Blue
Yellow-breasted Chat † 56 16 45 1159 END Red
Vesper Sparrow 1331 520 13 13 affinis ssp: END
Lark Sparrow † 141 43 115 224 Red
Grasshopper Sparrow † 19 10 17 27 Red
Le Conte’s Sparrow † 195 98 118 251 Blue
Nelson’s Sparrow † 55 22 42 72 Red
Smith’s Longspur † 3 3 3 13 Blue
Bobolink † 80 42 38 42 THR Blue
Rusty Blackbird † 317 229 157 214 SPEC Blue
TOTAL 16,557 6,201 12,500
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