Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas partnership was to collect and make freely available to a wide range of users, the most comprehensive, current source of information on the province’s breeding birds, through citizen science. The ultimate goal is to lay a new foundation for addressing conservation priorities issues and research questions, enabling biologists and land managers to make wiser decisions on issues like species at risk, environmental assessment, climate change, and habitat management at site to landscape scales.

The specific objectives established at the start of the project were to provide:

  • 10-km square distribution maps for all breeding bird species in British Columbia (2008-2012)
  • Abundance maps for as many breeding bird species in British Columbia as data will allow
  • Written accounts of project findings for all breeding bird species in British Columbia.
  • Detailed information on all rare and at risk breeding bird species
  • A comprehensive baseline for comparison with future atlases and other compatible work
  • A major new online database with tools and resources for conservation and research
Wilson's Warbler Species Account
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British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 4841 Delta St. #206 Delta, BC V4K 2T9 Canada
Phone: 1- 877-349-BIRD (2473) E-mail: bcvolunteer@birdscanada.org Banner photo: Glenn Bartley